Martin S. Goffriller

发布者:孙婧发布时间:2018-10-20 浏览次数:218

Martin S. Goffriller  博士  副教授  硕导

  Martin S. Goffriller博士,副教授,德国慕尼黑人,毕业于英国利物浦大学考古学和建筑历史专业。曾在英国利物浦大学、曼彻斯特大学和诺丁汉大学任职,从事科学研究工作,目前为建筑与设计学院副教授,利物浦大学客座研究员。主要研究领域集中在伊斯兰教传播时期对西班牙、阿拉伯世界、中亚以及中国等地得城市、贸易、防御工事等。

  Dr. Martin S. Goffriller is an archaeologist and architectural historian currently working as an Associate Professor at the China University of Mining and Technology in Xuzhou, PRC. His research has concentrated on trade, urbanism and fortification during the medieval period across Eurasia with particular foci in Islamic Spain, Arabia, and Central Asia as well as China.

  Always focused on architectural history and archaeology, Dr. Goffriller read his undergraduate degree on medieval European and Byzantine architecture at the University of East Anglia, with a particular interest in fortification. During his MA in 2004 his focus turned onto the Andalusi architectural heritage of the Iberian Peninsula where he concentrated on the artistic exchange that grew between Muslims and Christians.
  After a number of years of teaching Western history and history of art at the Hunan University of Arts and Sciences in China, and travelling widely throughout Asia, Martin embarked on a PhD into the Islamic past of his native Mallorca at the University of Exeter. As a Marie Curie Research Fellow his research explored the socio-political implications of defensive architecture, delimitation and organization of territories and spatial identities in tribal contexts.
  In 2011 he joined Prof. Bandyopadhyay’s team at Nottingham Trent University and became one of the founding members of ArCHIAM (Architecture and Cultural Heritage of India, Arabia and the Maghreb), where his main research interest lay in the study of oasis settlements in the Sultanate of Oman, and the evolution of the Maritime Silk Road and the influence of the porcelain trade on Omani Architecture. Additionally, Dr. Goffriller was closely involved in the development of around one dozen heritage management plans and government reports for public and private agencies in the Gulf region.

  Dr. Goffriller has travelled widely throughout Asia with extended stays in China, the Middle East and Central Asia. At present he is developing a series of documentation projects in Central Asia, specifically Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, studying medieval urbanism in the context of the Silk Road by documenting the long-disappeared cities of the Dzhety Azar culture (1stc. BCE – 8thc. CE).


Associate Professor at China university of Mining and Technology, PRC.
Honorary Researcher at University of Liverpool, UK

Lecturer at University of Liverpool, UK
Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Research Fellow at Nottingham Trent University, UK